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March 23 ,2025 - Third Sunday in Lent
Pastor: Rev. Benjamin Travis
Organist: Patrick Bier, Minister of Music
Choir Director: Kris Barnes
Call To Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude- There In God's Garden              Sondra Tucker

Confession & Forgiveness (pg 94)

Gathering Song - # 707 Lord of Glory, You have brought us 

Apostolic Greeting & Kyrie (pg 147)

Prayer of the Day 
Eternal God, your kingdom has broken into our troubled world through the life, death, and  
resurrection of your Son. Help us to hear your word and obey it, and bring your saving love to fruition  
in our lives, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
one God, now and forever. 
First Lesson - Isaiah 55:1-9 

Responsive Reading - Psalm 63:1-8 (1) 

Second Lesson - 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Children's Sermon

Gospel Acclimation
Jesus began to proclaim, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. (Matt. 4:17) 

Gospel Reading

Pastor: The holy gospel according to Luke.

Response: Glory to you, O Lord.
Scripture - Luke 13:1-9

Pastor:  ...The gospel of the Lord.

Response: Praise to you, O Christ.

Hymn of the Day -  #624 Jesus Still Lead On
Apostle's Creed (pg 105)

Prayers of Intercession (pg 152)

Sharing of the Peace

Offertory- The Love He Gave                 Jay Althouse

Offertory Response -  #182

The Great Thanksgiving (pg 152)

Sanctus (pg 153)

Eucharistic Prayer (pg 153)

Lord's Prayer (pg 154)

Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (pg 154)
Table Blessing

Post Communion Hymn-pg. 204

Post Communion Prayer (pg 155)


Sending Song- #542 Oh Living Bread from Heavan

Dismissal of the Congregation - Response: Thanks be to God.
Postlude- Meditation    Eugene Lindusky

Thank you for worshiping with us today. 
Readings for this Week:
Mon – Mar 24 Jeremiah 11:1-17 Romans 2:1-11 Psalm 39
Tue – Mar 25 Ezekiel 17:1-10 Romans 2:12-16 Psalm 39
Wed- Mar 26 Numbers 13:17-27 Luke 13:18-21 Psalm 39
Thu – Mar 27 Joshua 4:1-13 2 Corinthians 4:16—5:5 Psalm 32
Fri – Mar 28 Joshua 4:14-24 2 Corinthians 5:6-15 Psalm 32
Sat – Mar 29 Exodus 32:7-14 Luke 15:1-10 Psalm 32