After losing our aging sign in the front of the church in a windstorm this spring, we are just weeks away from receiving our new sign!
The new sign has been purchased from Custom Signs and Lighting, Inc. of Grove City, PA. The cost of the sign including manufacture and installation (after minus the insurance payback) is approximately $5,000.
Our special stewardship project to fund the cost of the sign and installation is still ongoing. You can designate your giving towards this project by using the insert found in your bulletin, choosing the "Church Sign Renovation" from the giving fund options on Tithely or simply dropping off your donation with a note that it is for the sign. Any extra monies raised beyond the $5000 will be used to beautify the area around the sign. For more information about this project, please contact the office at 814-336-2654.
To give to the Church Sign Renovation Fund with Tithely, please click HERE.
To learn more about safe and secure online giving with the Tithely app, please click HERE.