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Every year, our Women of the ELCA group at Trinity chooses a Christmas project to support throughout the holiday season.  This year, they have chosen to collect items to support one of our neighbors right around the corner --St. James Haven.

St. James Haven in Meadville, PA is an outreach ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania. In keeping with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania’s mission of “unity of neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God without distinction”, St. James Haven provides a place of welcome, refuge, food and comfort for homeless men each night. 

St. James Haven:

  • Accommodates up to 14 men each night.
  • Provides a clean, dry shelter and comfortable bed.
  • Offers a nutritious meal each evening, provided by local donors.
  • Works closely with local police, housing and mental health agencies.
  • Is staffed by two resident managers.
  • Is open 365 days/year from 6pm—8am.
  • Is financially supported primarily by public and private donations.

Throughout Advent, you can bring your gifts for St. James Haven and help support this caring ministry in our own neighborhood.  Please place your "gifts" under the tree in the sanctuary.  They will be blessed and delivered to St. James Haven.

Items Needed Are:

paper towels, napkins, tea bags, laundry soap, dish detergent, 3 in 1 body wash, dish towels and dishcloths, socks, underwear, t-shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts.  All items should be new and unused.

To Learn More About St. James Haven, please CLICK HERE.