We will adorn the sanctuary with lilies, tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths this Easter season. The cost is $13 per lily, and $10 per other plants. Flowers may be given in honor or in memory of your loved ones. You may pick up your plants to enjoy at home after the Easter service.
Please be sure to have your orders into Melissa at the church office NO LATER than Sunday, March 30th. Paper order forms are on the information table in the church narthex. Please make your checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church and write Easter Flowers in the memo line.
If you would like the convenience of ordering your flowers this year, please use the links below to complete your online order form, and make your payment through our secure online platform.
To make a secure online payment for your flowers, please click on the link below to go to our church online giving form. And choose "Easter Flowers" from the drop down menu.